Sparrow in “Storms of the Revolution”

Storms of The Revolution is on sale now at

Check out “Sparrow,” my story in Storms of the Revolution, published by After the Storm magazine. If “Sparrow” grabs your attention, get ready for my novel The Delphi, which answers many questions raised by “Sparrow” (and will keep you turning pages to find out where it could all possibly be headed!). Coming this spring from Ellipsis Imprints.

From “And always the question: can a choice to resist be made when too many others are retreating?  Isolation is seen on the other side of the class divide in David P. Rogers’ “Sparrow.”  In a system where every relationship is transactional those at the top may become invisible to people around them, a mirror of their fundamental irrelevance. So too, how someone “looks” tells us how they will be treated – and being treated differently, living differently, can lead to a new way to see the world.  All this, in the story, is a byproduct of actions taken by those seeking to change the system, to stop the harm done by a system that never “sees” the human beings impacted by decisions made in the interests of profits.”

tors of the Revolution is available from

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