Two Poems

by me!

“Lake” and “If”

First posted by Davidrogersbooks September 10, 2020


If he knew he’d be dead by dark

Tolstoy supposedly said he’d keep

plowing which proves either

he really liked to plow or else

he was a bit off that day and I think

it must be the latter because

no sane human likes to plow that much

unless you mean the Shakespearean

metaphorical kind of plowing

but Ell Tee was way too uptight

for that sort of language

and not that imaginative

but if I were cursed with knowledge

of my own imminent demise

I’d find a hot metaphor

and have a wild time and get

a revolver to defend

myself just in case I’m slated to die

at the hands of a jealous lover

whose girlfriend I’ve never met

much less flirted with or cultivated

in any way and I know I’d probably

end up being shot with my own

weapon because as the Greeks

figured out a long time ago

that’s how these things usually end

nobody escapes irony

but still I say it’s best

to go down fighting or

polishing your weapon or being

metaphorical or doing anything

that counts as honest rebellion

–David Rogers


Large bodies of water attract you

because their immensity confirms suspicions

regarding your own relative size: horizons

are never straight

since time is round

and space is not flat, lying as it must

on the uneven bottom of that great lake

whose coastline has never been accurately

mapped: the fractal nature of the coast itself

is partly responsible, though by my calculation

a map at least twice as big as the lake

and filled with simulated water is necessary

to approximate the pattern pebbles make

on sand: such a map will fit only in

the basement of the museum where in winter

the curator will skate on the frozen

simulation, ostensibly to measure

effects of tidal forces on simulated ice

but really to hear how skates sound

and breezes flutter her skirt and brandy

makes her toes warm: humanity has gotten

things wrong at every turn: the world is not flat

nor quite round nor at the center of whatever

universe it happens to be in at this moment:

god never existed: dinosaurs upstairs glance

at a sky that always just now begins to rain fire

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